New Year’s Goals 2014


I’m a little late on getting my 2014 goals organized but here they are nonetheless. Last year I was completely buried in work and had only one resolution, which will always be a work in progress. The items in focus for this year fall under two basic categories – Life/Work and Creating/Learning.

Life & Work

I always seem to have this underlying anxiety caused by disorganized areas of my house and digital devices, so I’m beginning 30 days of organization to tackle it one small area at a time. My list includes things like backing up and organizing digital photos, cleaning out closets, setting up digital reminders, organizing sewing scraps. The idea is to centralize and organize anything that makes me feel scattered. Other goals are for professional improvement, staying focused and managing stress.

  • 30 days of organization
  • Improve my writing and read widely
  • Spend more time in prayer and meditation
  • Make more time for knitting, sewing and being peaceful

Creating & Learning

Nothing makes me happier than creating things that other people can use. I have a WordPress theme in progress that I’ll release for free pretty soon. Last year I learned how to sew quilts and I need to make another one before I forget everything. I also want to learn to sew clothes for my Italian greyhound and plan to open source any patterns I create.

  • Release 1 WordPress theme and 1 BuddyPress theme
  • Make another quilt
  • Learn how to sew dog clothes
  • Learn Icelandic
  • Create an Android app

Awhile back I had started learning Icelandic on LiveMocha but they seemed to have removed those lessons for now, so I’ll have to look for a new place to learn. I’d love to visit Iceland in the next year or two. I also want to get started building mobile apps. If anyone has tips on the best place to start for someone entering as primarily a front-end dev, please let me know. I probably won’t come up with execution plans for these last items until I’ve completed my 30 days of organization.

I have no idea what’s going to happen in 2014, but I’m looking forward to a renewed focus on the quiet life, listening, learning and exploring some new interests in my spare time.

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