Last week I got a little package in the mail that I was super excited about. It’s from a client I’ve been working with and I was positively giddy with delight when it arrived:
I don’t usually let myself spend much money on makeup, but I love love love trying new things- mostly natural products and items brownish/bronze undertones. Anything too bright pink, purple or blue makes me look like an underfed clown.
[blockquote]Included: China Glaze Vintage Vixen in Ingrid and Foxy, Mad Hippies No More Crows Peptide Repair Eye Cream, MAC Too Chic Beauty Powder, 100% Natural Fruit Pigmented Lip Glaze in velveteen, 100% Pure Fruit Pigmented Pot Rouge in Ballerina, China Glaze Anchors Away Collection in Life Preserver and Hey, Sailor!, Kahina Organic Argan Oil and samples of eye serum, cleanser, antioxidant mask, etc, Diana B. 60 second Miracle Tan, and MAC Impeccable Brow Pencil in taupe.[/blockquote]
I plan to review the products as I get the chance to try them. So far I’ve only tried the China Glaze Vintage Vixen polish in Ingrid . It’s an earthy brown and silver color that reminds me of Seattle and makes me feel studious. I’ve posted a picture here so you can see how the shade turned out – please forgive the sloppy home-manicure 😉
Would I wear it again? Probably. I think it’s definitely a winter color and that may be why it was given an Old Norse name. My obsession with Norse names knows no bounds. 😉
Stay tuned for more reviews and a few more reflective pieces coming up. Despite all these potions pictured above, I leave you with this quote from William Shakespeare:
With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.